Influencer Reward Program

JOYAJOY Digital Share

Receive digital shares in JOYAJOY, the fast-growing social media platform. As we rise, so does the value of your stake!

Performance-Based Earnings

Turn your creativity into cash! Earn monetary rewards directly tied to the Game Stamina users spend on your content.

Outpace Other Influencers

Claim your unique username now and start building your follower base on JOYAJOY – outpace other influencers!

What is JOYAJOY Digital Share?

Each JOYAJOY Digital Share you earn represents a stake in the company's future stock.

Our IPO process is expected to complete after around two years, at which point each JOYAJOY Digital Share will be worth a minimum of USD 1.

How to acquire JOYAJOY Digital Share?

For every active unique follower you maintain over a three-month period* on JOYAJOY, you'll receive up to 150 JOYAJOY Digital Shares.

*Our multi-tiered share reward scheme offers exciting earning potential. For details, complete the application form below. We'll contact you soon.

What are JOYAJOY’s Performance-Based Earnings?

Create AI Memory Games, Chess Games, and Gamified Posts to captivate your audience. Earn USD 1 for every 1,500 Game Stamina or 500 Game Tokens users spend on your content!

Influencer Program
Application Form

Fill out the form below to join the rewards program. Don't forget to include links to your existing social media accounts on any platform – we'd love to see your current reach!


JOYAJOY partners with Amazon, Google, and Microsoft
to deliver the world’s most powerful social media.

JOYAJOY, with an estimated company valuation of over USD 500 million, has signed an MOU with SoftBank to grow its users and accelerate its IPO plan.

The above photo is taken at the JOYAJOY-SoftBank Signing Ceremony in June 2024.

Featured in 1,000+ News and Media Publications

JOYAJOY has been featured in over 1,000 news and media publications, including NBC News, FOX News, ABC News, AP News, Benzinga, and Google News.

Click HERE for a continuously expanding list of media featuring JOYAJOY.

Corporate Reference Users

School Reference Users

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